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好心喂了狗系列 帮充点卡骗术大曝光!

Good dog series help filling card trick exposure!

2015-06-28 21:47:21来源: 游久网

这位玩家遇到了一个帮冲点卡的骗子,一起来看看,做好事结果被找回的感觉: 这是,当时帮骗子,冲点卡的聊天记录。19日的。 一直到22日,突然收到系统提示,扣除当时号上仅有不到300W的游戏币,这事恶心的我到现在,25日进游戏刷了二小时大闹后,下线了。 到现在上线,号进不去了,提...

internationally met a liar to help the red cards, see, do good results sent back feeling: This is, when gang of crooks, punch cards chat records. 19 days. Until the 22 day, suddenly received a system prompt, less than the number of only less than 300W of the game currency, it is disgusting to me now, 25 days into the game two hours after the brush off the assembly line. Up to now, the number is not gone, to mention...