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The bundesliga season defender article of surprise: leipzig who lead the iron

2016-11-13 13:11:26来源: 新浪

奥尔班本赛季表现不错 新浪体育讯 截止到这个国家队比赛日之前,欧洲主流联赛的赛场上,没有前锋比科隆的莫德斯特状态更加火爆;拜仁慕尼黑的基米希从中后卫蜕变为进球型中场;莱比锡与霍芬海姆至今联赛保持不败…… 这是个充满惊喜的赛季。奥巴梅扬继续进球,诺伊尔继续保持零封,这些新闻已经激不...

Orban good sina sports news by the end of this season before the international break, mainstream European league, no forward than cologne maud, state more popular; Bayern Munich's kimi back to transmute into into the ball in midfield; Leipzig and hoffenheim league unbeaten so far... This is a season full of surprises. Obama MeiYang continue scoring, neuer continued to maintain zero, these news has no...