新关注 > 信息聚合 > 京东旗下拍拍网落户南京 要与杭州的淘宝对垒?

京东旗下拍拍网落户南京 要与杭州的淘宝对垒?

Jingdong patted network located in Nanjing with Hangzhou against the Taobao?

2014-11-25 20:31:47来源: TechWeb

搜狐IT消息 11月25日,京东CEO刘强东宣布,京东旗下C2C平台拍拍网将落户南京,未来将以独立子公司身份运作,将京东子公司放在南京,也是京东对新架构的尝试。 刘强东表示,江苏是全国网购第二大省,有成熟的用户群和众多优质商家,选择落户南京对京东有重大战略意义。 拍拍网总裁蒉莺春表...

Sohu IT news in November 25th, Jingdong CEO Liu Qiangdong announced Jingdong under C2C platform, pat pat a net to will be located in Nanjing, the future will be an independent subsidiary identity operation, will Jingdong subsidiary in Nanjing, an attempt is Jingdong of new architecture. Liu Qiangdong said, Jiangsu is the second province, online shopping, mature group of users and many quality businesses, choose Nanjing has important strategic meaning for Jingdong. Clap nets president Kate Kui table...

标签: 京东