新关注 > 信息聚合 > 聂瑞平在清苑区调研时强调:把城市做大 把产业做强

聂瑞平在清苑区调研时强调:把城市做大 把产业做强

Rui Ping Nei in Qingyuan area, the research emphasizes: the bigger cities to industry of Hebei news network

2015-12-31 11:52:24来源: 河北新闻网

12月29日,市委书记聂瑞平到清苑区就重点项目和城镇建设工作进行调研。这是聂瑞平在百威英博啤酒项目现场,实地考察企业建设进展情况。保定日报记者 高欣悦 摄 为认真贯彻全省经济工作会议精神,12月...

29, municipal Party committee secretary Rui Ping Nei to Qingyuan district on key projects and urban construction work research. This is Nie Ruiping in the Budweiser InBev project site, on-site inspection in construction enterprises. Baoding Daily reporter Gao Xinyue photo taken to seriously implement the spirit of the province's economic work conference in December...