新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高通为什么能玩垄断?物联网与5G才是未来


Qualcomm why can play monopoly? The Internet of things with 5 g is the future

2016-08-08 16:39:57来源: RFID世界网

摘要:如果大家对现在旗舰智能手机中搭载的骁龙处理器有所了解,想必会知道这款处理器背后,提供强大技术支持的Qualcomm(美国高通公司)。 如果大家对现在旗舰智能手机中搭载的骁龙处理器有所了解,...

Abstract: if everyone in its flagship smartphone now carry Xiao dragon processor, we would know that behind this processor, provide strong technical support of Qualcomm, Qualcomm). If everybody in its flagship smartphone now carry Xiao dragon processor,...

标签: 物联网