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《无双大蛇3》新人物珀耳修斯公布 关银屏神格化确认

The warriors orochi three new characters pearl Theseus released off screen gods approval

2018-08-06 11:01:08来源: 游戏时光

在昨天的《无双大蛇3》直播活动上,光荣特库摩公布了将在本作中参战的全新角色 —— 宙斯之子珀耳修斯。珀耳修斯使用的武器为长枪,但他还能召唤出各种样式的武器为自己所用,并使用类似于“王之宝库”的大规模 AOE:除此之外,光荣还公布了一系列有关武将神格化的消息,除了此前已经公布的赵云、真田幸村、石田三成和曹丕,关银屏也将有神格化。不过与此同时,光荣也确认,想要神格化,玩家就必须击倒名为“混沌起源”的敌人取得神格化道具,并且只有通过神器或觉醒技才能有效打击这些敌人。《无双大蛇3》将于9月27日发售,登陆 Xbox One/PC/PS4/Switch,确认包含中文字幕。来源:Gematsu

In yesterday's "warriors orochi 3" live events, glorious, the library published the will to fight in this new role - son of Zeus pearl Theseus. Pearl hughes, use the weapons for long, but he can also call on the weapons of the various styles for their use, and use similar to the "treasure house of the king" massive AOE: besides, glorious also reported the news of the gods, and a series of military commanders in addition to the already published zhaoyun, true Tian Xing village, ishida thirty percent and xelloss, close the screen also to god. But at the same time, the glorious also confirmed that want to gods, players have to knock down enemy called origins of "chaos" gods props, and only by artifact or awakening to be effective against the enemy. "Warriors orochi 3" will be released on September 27, landing the Xbox One/PC/PS4 / Switch, confirm that contains Chinese subtitles. Source: Gematsu