新关注 > 信息聚合 > Switch《黑暗之魂 重制版》测试时间公布 预载已开启

Switch《黑暗之魂 重制版》测试时间公布 预载已开启

The soul of a Switch in the dark Heavy plate test released preloading time has been open

2018-09-19 16:41:13来源: 游戏时光

Switch 的 eShop 商店悄然上架了《黑暗之魂 重制版》的网络测试客户端,日服(日文)和美服(英文)的商店均可以下载,大小约为 888M。根据商店的介绍,Switch《黑暗之魂 重制版》的测试(北京)时间如下:日版9月21日:17点~21点9月22日:17点~21点9月23日:17点~21点美版9月22日:8点~12点9月23日:8点~12点9月24日:8点~12点根据此前 PS4/Xbox One 的测试内容可以推断,Switch 测试版的关卡很有可能是从太阳祭坛开始,一直打到石像鬼 BOSS 为止。Switch《黑暗之魂 重制版》将于10月18日发售,包含中文字幕。

The Switch of eShop shop quietly built the spirit of darkness Network test client of heavy plate making, daily intake (Japanese) and clothing stores are available for download (in English), the size is about 888 m. According to the store, Switch the dark spirit of heavy plate test (Beijing) time is as follows: day on September 21st: 17 ~ 21 points on September 22:17 ~ 21 points: on September 23, 17 ~ 21 points on the September 22:8 ~ 12 o 'clock on Sept. 23:8 ~ 12 September 24:8 ~ 12 points according to the PS4 / Xbox One test content can be concluded that the Switch beta levels are likely to begin, the sun altar has been playing at the gargoyles BOSS. Switch the dark spirit of heavy plate will be put on sale on October 18, contains the Chinese subtitles.

标签: Switch