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韩国武侠手游 《宝剑:八荒守护者》主海报公开

South Korean martial art mobile game "sword: eight guardians shortage" Lord posters in public

2018-09-11 00:00:00来源: 人民网

日前,DNC Of Storm首次公开了旗下手游新作《宝剑:八荒守护者》的主海报。 从此次公开的《宝剑:八荒守护者》的首张海报中可以看到,为了打败使世界陷入混沌的妖魔,只身一人出发的英雄孤独的背影。同时,电闪雷鸣的黑暗背景,和围绕着武士的巨型妖怪给人带来紧张感。 而以标题中的“剑”为主题的第二章海报,则以刚刚结束战争的战场为主要内容。海报中,被某种神秘气息环绕的宝剑,等待着玩家去使用。 《宝剑:八荒守护者》作为武侠MMORPG,是款描述只身一人为了保护八荒世界而展开的激烈战争和修炼过程的手游,具备庞大的武侠世界观和剧情,同时使用Unity3d引擎体现了正邪两派之间的势力之战。 ...

DNC Of Storm has publicly owned by hand for the first time new swim "sword: eight guardians shortage" Of the poster. From the public of the "sword: eight guardians shortage" in the first post as you can see, in order to defeat the demon that makes the world into chaos, set out alone hero lonely figure. At the same time, the thunder rolled dark background, and surrounding the samurai's giant genie brings tension. And with a title "sword" as the theme of the second chapter of the posters, have ended up with just the battlefield of the war as the main content. Posters, surrounded by some mysterious breath of sword, waiting for players to use. Sword: eight guardians shortage as a martial arts MMORPG is a description alone in order to protect the eight wild world of intense competition and war and the science of uniting the mobile game of the process, has the huge martial arts world view and the plot, at the same time using the Unity3d engine embodies the battle between the forces of good and evil. ...

标签: 手游