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国际泳联酝酿奥运扩军 游泳最多可增加10个小项

Fina brewing Olympic summer swimming can increase up to 10 events

2017-04-11 14:41:39来源: 新浪体育

比如最重头的游泳大项,国际泳联打算要在东京奥运会上再增十个项目,使游泳奥运奖牌项总数达到44个。国际奥委会理事会将拥有最后决定权,不过从早有传言变为正式提请,国际泳联应该把握很大。NBC SPORT...

Such as the king of the swimming sports, fina plans to add 10 in the Tokyo Olympic Games project, make swimming Olympic medal total to 44. The international Olympic committee (ioc) the council will have the final decision, but from earlier rumours to formally requested, fina should be assured. NBC SPORT...