新关注 > 信息聚合 > 文明简史:席德·梅尔与他的《文明》系列回顾


A brief history of civilization: sid MEL, with his series of "civilization" reviews

2016-10-26 23:43:17来源: 新浪

提起《文明》,你一定会想起那个“耗我钱财,毁我青春,害我补考还迟到了”的辣鸡游戏。究竟这款游戏有什么“魔力”能让玩家为了它废寝忘食,总是忍不住会去按下写有“下一回合”的按钮呢? 一切都要从一个叫做席德·梅尔的人开始说起。细心的玩家一定会发现,在游戏《文明》的标题前面还有一个小标题——...

Mention "civilization", you will think of the "loss of money, I destroy my youth, harm my make-up exam also late" spicy chicken game. What exactly is "magic" with the game allows players to forget all about eating and sleeping, it always cannot help to press has written "the next round" button? They have them they want everything from a man called sid MEL, start. Observant players will find, in front of the title of the game "civilization" and a small title --...