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《龙武2》鸡年新版2.24测试 原画剧情曝光

"Dragon 2" chicken version of the 2.24 original drama exposure test

2017-02-10 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《龙武2》鸡年新版“刀妹出击”将于2月24日正式开放内测,神秘新职业震撼登场!据悉这位新职业十分精通于忍法和刺杀,在战斗中有着超强的机动性和高爆发,此外还将有全新副本、新机制推出!今日小编将为大家解读新职业以及全新上班族版内容! 【皇城风云涌动 飞影CG剧情解读】 《龙武2》新版本剧情,讲述一段关于权利和责任的故事。稚嫩皇子继位,诸侯藩王为谋权利不择手段,远离朝政的飞影阁也因此卷入其中。飞影阁是江湖间最神秘的组织,其阁中弟子均被称为飞影,他们来去无踪,擅长暗杀之术,金钱是他们唯一的信仰。 原画剧情图 飞影们替从未谋面的金主,清扫掉政权敌人,成为他们通往权利顶端最锋利的刀刃。如今天...

"Dragon Wu 2" chicken new year "knife sister attack" will be officially opened in February 24th, beta, mysterious new career shock debut! It is reported that the new profession is very proficient in tolerance and assassination, in battle with superior mobility and high explosive, in addition, there will be a new copy of the new mechanism introduced! Today, Xiao Bian will interpret new jobs and new office version content for everyone! [the CG] Tobikage stirring up drama interpretation "dragon 2" a new version of the story, tells a story about the rights and responsibilities. Young prince king, princes' to seek the right away from the Tobikage use unscrupulous divisive tactics, so involved in the court. Flying Pavilion is the most mysterious organization between rivers and lakes, they were the disciples come and go without leaving a trace Ge called Tobikage, assassination operation, good, money is their only faith. The original plot diagram for Hiei gold master never met, sweep the enemy into their regime, leading to the right to the top of the most sharp blade. As today...