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E-sports into the, into the be far behind?

2018-06-04 00:00:00来源: 人民网

5月20日,英雄联盟季中冠军赛,中国最强战队RNG3:1战胜韩国KZ战队,获得世界总冠军。 2017年,中国电竞市场规模已突破650亿元。 第18届亚洲运动会将于2018年8月18日至9月2日在印尼雅加达举行。北京时间5月16日,亚奥理事会公布六个电子体育作为表演项目亮相亚运会,当中包括《英雄联盟》《实况足球》《炉石传说》《星际争霸II》《王者荣耀》和《皇室战争》。作为电子竞技进入大型综合运动会的“试水”,它们将出现在八月举行的雅加达亚运会赛场上。 去年英雄联盟全球最高等级的赛事S7全球总决赛首度移师北京国家体育场举行,这场盛大的总决赛也标志着2017年成为中国电竞“元年”。据艾瑞咨询...

On May 20, the hero league season in the championship, China's strongest team RNG3: KZ team beat South Korea, won the world championship. E-sports the size of the market in 2017, China has exceeded 65 billion yuan. The 18th Asian games will be in August 18, 2018 to September 2 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Beijing time on May 16, the Olympic council of Asia announced six electronic sports as performances at the Asian games, including "hero alliance" the live football "hearth legend" starcraft II "king glory" and "the royal war". As electronic competition into large-scale integrated games "testing the waters", they will be held in August in Jakarta, the Asian games in the competition. Hero alliance last year the world's highest level of competition S7 global finals for the first time to Beijing national stadium, the grand finals also marks the e-sports "first" in China in 2017. According to iresearch consulting...

标签: 电竞