新关注 > 信息聚合 > 邵平:平安银行将全面发力生态金融经营模式


Shao Ping: ping an bank will be a comprehensive financial management pattern with ecology

2016-06-30 12:26:50来源: 中国网

中国网财经6月30日讯 平安银行行长邵平昨日在北京表示,平安银行将全面发力生态金融的经营模式,支持能源不可及地区的建设和发展。 邵平是在出席2016年二十国集团能源部长会议时作出上述表示。他表示...

China finance and economics, June 30, ping an bank Shao Ping said in Beijing yesterday, ping an bank will power is comprehensive ecological financial management pattern, support the construction and development of energy and area. Shao Ping is in 2016 to attend the g20's energy minister made the remarks when meeting. He said...