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“一带一路”大学生人文夏令营结营 传承共赢精神

"Area" college students' humanities summer camp Inheritance and win-win spirit

2016-07-15 19:16:58来源: 西部网

“一带一路”大学生人文夏令营结营。 西部网讯(记者 彭芬 实习生 丁志斌) 今天(7月15日)下午,由西安市教育局和西安文理学院主办的“丝路起点,文化体验——2016西安‘一带一路’沿线节点城市...

"Area" college students' humanities summer camp. Western net news (reporter Peng Fen interns zhi-bin ding) today (July 15) afternoon, sponsored by the xi 'an education bureau and the liberal arts college in xian "silk road starting point, the cultural experience - 2016 'area' all the way along the route node in xian city...