新关注 > 信息聚合 > 横版纪念碑谷《机器人的奇妙冒险》即将上架


Horizontal version of Monument Valley "robot adventure" forthcoming

2015-03-28 20:56:15来源: 天极网

《Zenith》(机器人的奇妙冒险)是由四名在校大学生所组成的游戏制作团队即将推出的首部作品,游戏计划在今年春季于 iOS 和 Android 平台发布。 这是一款 2D 像素风的横版闯关游戏,虽是像素风,可画面表现得非常的唯美细腻,文艺气息非常强烈,游戏中玩家将控制着主角以利用冰镐...

"Zenith" (Adventures of robot) is composed of four students game production team is about to launch the first game works, plans to release iOS and Android platform in the spring of this year. This is a horizontal version of a 2D pixel wind pass through the game, although it is the wind screen pixel, very beautiful and delicate, artistic atmosphere is very strong, the game game player will control the protagonist to use axes...

标签: 纪念碑谷