新关注 > 信息聚合 > Mymiss京东旗舰店盛大开业(图)


Mymiss Jingdong flagship store grand opening (Figure)

2015-03-19 10:20:26来源: 大河网

3月15日,消费者权益日当天,Mymiss宣布——Mymiss京东旗舰店于3月20日正式开业。这是Mymiss继天猫之后迎来的第二家网络旗舰店,是Mymiss在珠宝银饰电商领域不断深化的又一次探索,此举将促进Mymiss银饰电商平台的多样化,并引领国内 “银饰电商”发展新思路。业内人士评...

3 month 15 days, consumer rights day, Mymiss announced -- Mymiss Jingdong flagship store opened on March 20th. This is afterwards after Mymiss Tmall ushered in the second network's flagship store, is another Mymiss exploration of deepening in silver jewelry business field, it will promote the diversification of Mymiss silver business platform, leading the domestic "silver business" development of new ideas. Insiders comment...

标签: 京东