新关注 > 信息聚合 > “香港时颖”走向前台,贾跃亭以及FF还剩下什么?


"Hong Kong ying" to the fore, Jia Yueting and FF left with?

2018-04-18 15:05:00来源: 品途网

法拉第未来的投资方是谁?在腾讯一线、新浪财经等媒体的追踪之下,香港时颖公司走向前台。一个关键问题浮出水面——贾跃亭以及他的FF还剩下什么?“香港合资公司”之谜4月17日晚,新浪财经报道称,贾跃亭旗下美国汽车公司法拉第未来(FF)背后的战略投资方是“香港时颖”,而非恒大地产或许家印。该报道称,时颖公司董事Jackie Wah首次向媒体透露,时颖与贾跃亭合作成立了一家公司。在股权结构方面,时颖出资20亿美金,占合作公司45%股份,为第一大股东;贾跃亭以FF公司作价,占股33%;公司管理层占股22%。投资款将分期分批投入到该合作公司。种种迹象表明,这家合资公司注册地在香港。那么,这家香港合资公司究竟...

Faraday's future investors who is it? In a line of tencent, sina finance and economics, and other media under tracking, when Hong Kong ying company to the fore. A key question surfaced - Jia Yueting and his FF left with? "Hong Kong joint venture company" riddle of the evening of April 17, sina finance and economics, said the report Jia Yueting its U.S. auto companies Faraday (FF) behind the future strategic investors is "Hong Kong ying", rather than Evergrande property or slot. According to the report, the clever company director Jackie Wah revealed to the media for the first time when ying and Jia Yueting cooperation to set up a company. In the aspect of equity structure, the clever paid $2 billion m, 45% of company shares, as the first big shareholder; Jia Yueting with FF company evaluate, accounting for 33%; Company management account for 22% of the shares. Investment fund will work by instalments into the company. The indications are that the joint venture company registered in Hong Kong. So, the Hong Kong joint venture company on earth...