新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《三体》胎死腹中才是中国电影之幸!


"Three body" stillborn is her love of Chinese movie!

2016-06-20 09:43:32来源: DoNews

高管离职、特效团队更换、导演拍摄素材被废弃等一系列爆料,让《三体》电影版再次陷入了风口浪尖。 说再次,是因为这个项目从立项拍摄时,就不被《三体》小说粉和科幻电影迷们看好。说得直白一点,大家是抱着看笑话的心态期待这部据说是中国第一部真正意义上的科幻大片的。制作方尽管对于以上传闻进行了辟谣,但是公关话语的无力、委婉和巨大的解读空间,其实是进一步坐实了《三体》电影版玩砸了的传闻。与此同时,另一部由郭敬明执导的奇幻电影《爵迹》放出预告片以后,也被影迷疯狂吐槽做出了国产劣质网游的效果。当然郭敬明拍摄的就是粉丝电影,况且电影中有那么多小鲜肉加盟,所以这部片子即使拍的再烂,郭敬明的铁粉们也会将其奉为圭臬,以...

Executives, the special effects team change, director material was abandoned and a series of Revelations, let the "three body" movie version again into the forefront. Said again, because this project from the project, will not be "three body" novel powder and science fiction movie fans. Speak bluntly, you are holding the mentality of embarrassment are looking forward to this film is said to be the first Chinese in the true sense of science-fiction film. Producers despite the rumours on reports for the above, but pr words of weakness, euphemism and the interpretation of large space, are further to firm up the case on the film edition of the three body botched. At the same time, the other a fantasy movie directed by guo jue trace after release the trailer, fans are crazy poking fun at the inferior domestic online game effect. Fans, of course, guo jingming is of a film, and there are so many little fresh meat to join in the movie, so the film even shoot again, guo's iron powder will also its dogma, to...

标签: 电影