新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【电商早报】蚂蚁金服要聘一位外国银行家


[post] Ant King service to hire a foreign banker

2016-05-04 07:01:44来源: 亿邦动力网

外媒:蚂蚁金服聘请原高盛银行家推进海外业务外媒称,原高盛集团银行家Douglas Feagin可以帮助蚂蚁金服与美国银行业界建立联系,并指导该公司对金融初创企业进行投资。Douglas Feagin此前在高盛担任美洲金融机构客户投行业务负责人,在那之前在亚洲担任相同职务至2010年。最快本周宣布。360宣布停止一切医疗商业推广 剑指百度360搜索昨日发布“致用户的公开信”称“只要互联网医疗商业推广这种商业模式存在,就无法彻底从根本上杜绝虚假医疗信息给用户带来的伤害。”声明即日起“360搜索放弃一切消费者医疗商业推广业务。”小米营销正式上线 MIUI光明正大卖广告扬言“一亿小米用户正在寻找你”。...

Foreign media: ant payment service hired former Goldman banker to promote overseas business foreign media said the former Goldman Sachs banker Douglas Feagin can help the ant payment service established links with the banking industry, and guide the company to invest in financial start-ups. Feagin Douglas previously served as the head of the bank's customer banking business in Goldman Sachs, who served in the same position in Asia until 2010. The fastest announced this week. 360 announced to stop all commercial promotion at Baidu medical search yesterday released the 360 "open letter" to the user said "as long as the existence of internet medical and commercial promotion of this business model, can not completely fundamentally eliminate the false medical information bring harm to the user." Announcement today, 360 search to give up all consumer medical business promotion." Millet marketing officially launched MIUI sold one hundred million millet advertising work in just ways that users are looking for you". ...

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