新关注 > 信息聚合 > 快讯:当当网第一季度净亏6020万元 同比扩大

快讯:当当网第一季度净亏6020万元 同比扩大


2015-05-28 19:39:23来源: TechWeb

当当网 【TechWeb报道】5月28日消息,当当网公布了截至2015年3月31日的第一季度财报,财报显示,该公司第一季度总净营收22.173亿元,同比增27.7%,第一季度净亏损6020万元,去年同期净亏损200万元,不计股权奖励开支的第一季度净亏损为5800万元,去年同期净利润为5...

Dangdang Dangdang first quarter net 60.2 million yuan compared to the same period to expand [techweb reported] news on May 28, Dangdang announced the first quarter ended March 31, 2015 earnings, earnings, the company's first quarter total net revenue 22.173_yi billion yuan, 27.7% YoY, first quarter net loss of 60.2 million yuan, last year, compared with a net loss of 200 million yuan, excluding share based compensation expense of first quarter net loss for 58 million yuan, net profit over the same period last year 5...