新关注 > 信息聚合 > 看哭!武汉90后患癌女孩亲述:最可怕的不是死亡..


See the cry! Wuhan 90 exhibit a cancer girl kiss: death is not the most terrible..

2016-01-30 14:47:12来源: 新浪

原标题:看哭!武汉90后患癌女孩亲述:最可怕的不是死亡[泪] 我害怕我有一天也不能下床,不能吃喜欢的东西,甚至不能好好的上个厕所......所以,让每一个今天,都成为我余生中最好的一天。所以,也...

The original title: see cry! Wuhan 90 exhibit a cancer girl kiss: death is not the most terrible tears I afraid I can't get out of bed, one day can't eat like, go to the toilet can't even good... So, let every one today, become the best day in my rest of my life. So, too...