新关注 > 信息聚合 > 双十一来了 300多准爸妈带着胎宝宝听《欢乐颂》

双十一来了 300多准爸妈带着胎宝宝听《欢乐颂》

Double eleven came to the more than 300 param of parents with baby babies listening to "Ode to joy"

2017-11-06 14:59:57来源: DoNews

《欢乐颂》、《莫扎特小夜曲》、《蓝色多瑙河》……舒缓、轻柔的经典音乐把大家带入了优美的海洋。双十一期间,苏宁红孩子“聆听·爱之音” 胎教音乐会在南京水游城假日酒店奏响,300多名准爸妈们一起聆听幸福旋律,和胎宝宝产生美好的情感共鸣。胎教音乐,是胎儿通用的“国际语言”,它不受国籍、肤色、年纪的限制。可是音乐的魅力却不仅仅如此,对于孕妇而言,胎教音乐还有跨过时空的魅力,让腹中宝宝与父母进行更密切的感爱沟通。音乐胎教能使孕妇心旷神怡,浮想联翩,从而改善不良情绪,产生良好的心境,并将这种信息传递给腹中的胎儿,使其深受感染,并激发其艺术潜能,为后天造诣打下基础。据悉,这是苏宁红孩子举办的第7届胎教音乐盛...

"Eulogy of joy", "Mozart Serenade", "blue The Danube"... The gentle and gentle classic music brought everyone into the beautiful ocean. Eleven during the double, Su Ninghong children "listen to the sound of love calls" concert at the Holiday Inn Nanjing Aqua City fetal education played more than 300 prospective parents who listen to the happy melody, and your baby have a good emotional resonance. Fetal education music is the "international language" of the fetus. It is not restricted by nationality, skin color and age. But the charm of music is more than that. For pregnant women, prenatal music has the charm of crossing the space-time, allowing the babies and their parents to have closer love and communication with their parents. Music can make women feel good fetal education, so as to improve the bad mood, fall into a reverie, have a good mood, and this information is passed to the fetus, which deeply infected, and stimulate their artistic potential, lay the foundation for the day after tomorrow. It is reported that this is the seventh session of the suing red child.