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亚马逊中国与美大使馆达成合作 启动全美扫货季

Amazon China and the U. S embassy reached cooperation start quaternary

2015-06-24 18:29:44来源: DoNews

DoNews 6月24日消息 6月24日,美国驻华大使馆商务处与亚马逊中国宣布,双方将建立战略合作伙伴关系,共同推动中美间贸易发展,为中国消费者提供更多源自美国特别是美国中小企业的高品质商品。 亚马逊与美国商务部国际贸易管理局(ITA)近期签署了全球框架性协议。根据该协议,亚马逊将与...

DoNews sweep across the United States on June 24 news on June 24, the United States embassy commercial office and Amazon China announced, the two sides will establish a strategic partnership, and jointly promote the development of trade between China and the United States, for Chinese consumers to provide more from the United States in particular, the high quality product of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the States. Amazon and the U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration (ITA) recently signed a global framework agreement. According to the agreement, Amazon will work with...