新关注 > 信息聚合 > X字报:腾讯代理冒险岛2 联合国痛批日本游戏

X字报:腾讯代理冒险岛2 联合国痛批日本游戏

X word: tencent agent adventure island 2 UN lambasting the Japanese game

2015-12-09 14:35:40来源: 178游戏网

我们一起扒一扒每日新游要闻:腾讯宣布代理《冒险岛2》,《最终幻想6》PC版正式公布,联合国痛批日本诱惑游戏,CDPR回应《赛博朋克2077》发售问题,Oculus允许用户移植内容至其他平台。 腾讯宣布代理《冒险岛2》。 恭喜腾讯终于与NEXON一起手牵手公布了这个振奋人心的消息。虽然...

We grilled steak with a daily XinYou podcast: tencent announced agent "adventure island 2", "final fantasy 6 PC version officially announced that the United Nations lambasting the temptation to Japan, CDPR response on sale" cyberpunk "2077" problem, Oculus allows the user to transplant content to other platforms. Tencent announced agent "adventure island 2". Congratulations to tencent and NEXON finally announced the news together hand in hand. Although...