新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂首款手游Miitomo开启注册服务


Nintendo's first mobile game Miitomo open registration service

2016-02-17 21:33:00来源: 天极网

此前一直强调专注游戏机平台不会倾心手游的任天堂近日自我打脸。 由其研发的手游作品Miitomo今天正式开启注册,支持包括日本、美国英国在内的全球16个国家和8种语言/语音。 但是,在所支持地区当中并不包括中国所有地区,中文自然也不被支持。 那么这款Miitomo游戏到底能干什...

Had been stress focus console will not fall in love mobile game nintendo yourself face recently. By its research and development of mobile game works Miitomo today officially open registration, support, including Japan, the United States the 16 countries and eight kinds of language/speech. However, in the support area does not include all parts of China, Chinese nature also not supported. Then this Miitomo game what really can do...

标签: 任天堂 手游