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《旅行青蛙》集游社佛系云玩 养男人不如养青蛙

The travel frog swimming club department clouds play A man than a frog

2018-01-25 00:00:00来源: 人民网

自去年年底“佛系”的概念走红后,最近,一款名为《旅行青蛙》(日语《旅かえる》)的佛系游戏又刷爆朋友圈。在游戏中,只有庭院和房子两个场景,玩家除了收割三叶草、为青蛙准备便当外,几乎不需要花费任何时间和金钱,与青蛙唯一的交流也只来自它出门旅行寄回来的照片。一只画风简单的青蛙,怎么突然就火了?有玩家通过猜测青蛙的旅行见闻,用漫画画了出来,让广大网友大呼:“我的崽太可爱啦!”从中我们或许可以窥见其爆红的原因。 《旅行青蛙》突如其来地爆红,网络热度远超《恋与制作人》 然而,作为这样一款佛系游戏的《旅行青蛙》,却在1月21日登上了App Store免费游戏榜第一名,微信指数超过1...

Since the end of last year after the concept of "Buddha" fame, recently, a called "travel frog" (the Japanese tour "か え る") of Buddha is a game and maxed circle of friends. In the game, only the yard and house two scenarios, players in addition to harvest the clover, prepare lunch for the frog, almost do not need to spend any time and money, and the frog only communicate only photos from travel to send it back. A style simple frog, how all of a sudden is on fire? Have player by guessing the frog travels, with cartoon picture out, let people shouted: "my pups are so cute!" From which we may be able to see the burst. The travel the frog suddenly, heat network far above the love and the producer & have spent However, as such a Buddha is a game of "travel the frog", but on Jan. 21, boarded the free App Store is the first in the game list and WeChat index of more than 1...