新关注 > 信息聚合 > 虎牙直播获腾讯4.6亿美元B轮融资 绝地求生手游留言祝贺

虎牙直播获腾讯4.6亿美元B轮融资 绝地求生手游留言祝贺

Canine teeth live by tencent $460 million B round mobile game desperately message to congratulate

2018-03-08 21:44:21来源: 游戏日报

2018年3月8日,就在斗鱼官方刚刚宣布获得腾讯40亿元投资后不久,与斗鱼直播几乎同样传出IPO消息的虎牙直播也于当晚宣布,已获得腾讯4 6亿美元的独家战略投资。

On March 8, 2018, tencent in bettas are official announced shortly after the 4 billion yuan investment, with live bettas are almost the same news from IPO of canine teeth live also announced that night, has obtained exclusive strategic investment tencent $4, 600 million.