新关注 > 信息聚合 > 药明康德上市倒计时 “独角兽”缘何成为“折翼的天使”?

药明康德上市倒计时 “独角兽”缘何成为“折翼的天使”?

Wuxi listed why countdown "unicorn" become "broken-winged angel"?

2018-04-15 18:24:00来源: 品途网

2108年注定是中国资本市场不平凡的一年,今年以来在证监会的高压政策下,众多申报企业上演了一场生死大逃亡,企业IPO被否决之后,至少运行三年才能筹划重组上市的传闻,证监会要求企业不得无故拖延上会时间,审核业绩隐性红线的调高,种种因素让申报企业的焦虑情集中爆发,据统计今年第一季度,IPO终止审查企业就达到70家,占去年全年的47%。 而在审核通过率上,2018年一季度若剔除二次上会企业,共71家IPO企业首发上会,过会与被否企业均为32家,取消审核3家,暂缓表决4家,这意味着今年一季度过会率降到了历史冰点,仅为45.07%。 但资本市场往往具有两面性,在大多数申报企业惴惴不安之时,监管层抛...

2108 is destined to be extraordinary one year Chinese capital market, since this year under the coercion of the CSRC, applying for many staged an escape from life and death, the enterprise IPO were rejected, after rumors to run at least three years to plan for restructuring listed, the CSRC requires companies without undue delay on time, review performance of recessive red line up, all sorts of factors make declaration enterprise feeling of anxiety in the concentrated outbreak, according to the statistics in the first quarter of this year, IPO termination review enterprises reached 70, 47% of last year. And on the audit pass, in the first quarter of 2018 excluding secondary on enterprises, a total of 71 IPO companies starting will, a will to be whether companies are 32, cancel the three, four suspend voting, which means that the first quarter of this year history will rate dropped to freezing point, is only 45.07%. But capital markets often has two sides, when applying for most nervous, regulators behind...