新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOLS6总决赛EDG止步八强 当全世界都在取笑厂长时…

LOLS6总决赛EDG止步八强 当全世界都在取笑厂长时…

EDG LOLS6 finals quarterfinals When the world was making fun of the director...

2016-10-20 00:35:38来源: 东北网


LPL team again quarterfinals, S6 journey so early end, many players have no choice for this defeat ever patience and encouragement, but will anger the indisputable one-time vent. The LPL top-seeded team EDG again into the forefront of public opinion, but scold the team's different, the director with the poor performance of the team back out of the pot, he the POTS uncontroversial, director this immediately...

标签: LOL