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App今日免费:边学英语边打怪 Spellspire

Free App Today: learn English side Daguai Spellspire

2016-04-18 06:10:51来源: 和讯网

都说鱼和熊掌不可兼得,不过有些时候却会有些例外,《Spellspire》虽然是一款游戏,但其玩法却很独特,又好像是一款学习类的应用,玩家需要通过拼写单词来进行打怪,如果你目前这在学英语或者想巩固一下你的词汇量不妨入手这款游戏(目前限免)利用闲暇时间一边游戏一般复习。 《Spellsp...

Say can not have both fish and bear's paw, but sometimes it will be some exceptions, "Spellspire" Although it is a game, but the gameplay is very unique, it seems to be a kind of learning applications, players need to spell words Daguai conducted, if you present it in English or want to consolidate what your vocabulary may wish to start the game (currently limited free) use of leisure time aside to review the game in general. "Spellsp ...

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