新关注 > 信息聚合 > 英魂猎手全民运动 杀进总排行榜赢称号奖励

英魂猎手全民运动 杀进总排行榜赢称号奖励

Souls Hunter national sport rounded out the overall ranking won the title reward

2015-10-30 10:11:48来源: 4399

本周英魂猎手全民运动会开赛啦!三项比赛你更在行哪一个项目呢,每个项目都可以获得积分排行,每项积分排名还能汇集成总排名咯!当然总排名靠前的召唤者是肯定有奖励的,让我们一起来看看全民运动总排名的奖励吧! 活动时间:10月30日-11月19日 总排名是通过:投篮之星、百发百中、点球大战...

this week the souls of the hunter national movement will start!! three races you more knowledgeable which projects, each project can get ranking points, each of the integral ranking can be integrated overall ranking slightly sinks! Of course overall ranking by the summoner is certainly a reward, let us work together to look at the overall national sport rankings reward it! Time: October 30 to November 19 overall ranking is by: shooting stars, shoot with unfailing accuracy, the penalty shootout.