新关注 > 信息聚合 > 任天堂确定于情人节举办2019年首场直面会


Nintendo confirm to hold in 2019 the first face to face with valentine's day

2019-02-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

任天堂Switch玩家新年最大的期盼终于即将到来,和之前传言的一样,任天堂将于北京时间情人节清早6点整举行2019年首次直面会。据悉本次直面会的时间长度约为35分钟,主要向玩家介绍Switch游戏新作,特别是Switch的《火焰纹章:风花雪月》。 根据任天堂官方网站本次直面会页面的信息显示,2019年首场直面会以《火焰纹章:风花雪月》为重点,介绍Switch游戏新作。本次直面会没有手机游戏内容,并且包含年龄限制内容。 另外,本次直面会上还有很大几率公开比如《耀西的手工世界》或《路易的鬼屋3》等其他Switch游戏情报。(董思睿)

Nintendo Switch player's biggest hope finally coming New Year, as well as rumours before, nintendo will be held on valentine's day early in the morning to 6 o 'clock (Beijing time) will face for the first time in 2019. It is understood that this will face to face with the length of time is about 35 minutes, mainly to introduce the Switch game, especially the Switch "fire arms: affair". According to the nintendo's official website the face will display information of the page, in 2019 the first face to face with will be focusing on the crest of flame: movement of affair, introduce the Switch game. The face will no mobile game content, and contains the age limit. In addition, there is a great chance at the face to face with the public such as "yoshi manual world" or "Louis the haunted house of 3" and other Switch game intelligence. (Dong Sirui) & have spent

标签: 任天堂