新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《古墓丽影:崛起》PC版确认 将在主机版后发售

《古墓丽影:崛起》PC版确认 将在主机版后发售

"Tomb Raider: the rise of" PC version confirmed in the host version after sale network

2015-05-01 15:09:45来源: 逗游网

近日有媒体爆料,德国Nixxes工作室将公布一款新游戏,名为《古墓丽影:崛起》。说到《古墓丽影》系列或许你听过,但是Nixxes你可能就觉得陌生了。该工作室专门负责Eidos作品PC版制作。 尽管本作将会登陆各大平台,不出意料的是该作仍先登录Xbox 360,Xbox One版,护航...

amuse amusement media recently broke the news, the German Nixxes studio will be released a new game, called "Tomb Raider: the rise of". When it comes to "Tomb Raider series" you may have heard of Nixxes, but you may feel strange. The studio is responsible for the PC version of Eidos work. Although this will be on the platform, not surprisingly it still logged Xbox 360, Xbox One version, escort...

标签: PC