新关注 > 信息聚合 > ARM公司对于新一年物联网发展的五个预测


ARM for a new forecast for five years the Internet of things development

2019-02-03 09:01:00来源: 亿欧


Always a lot about the end of every industry forecasts for next year, the ARM (chip design licensees) is no exception to the next year (2019), the Internet of things industry what happens it views are put forward. At the same time, the ARM also made a consumer research to understand the users of the Internet of things, machine learning, artificial intelligence and the idea of 5 g. Here are ARM's prediction on the development of the Internet of things: 1. Intelligent household will be a trend. Mainstream household brand will provide consumers with more content networking intelligent household choice, will the past consumer brand and white goods function extension to the mainstream of intelligent lighting, irrigation, heat/cold storage and other function of smart home, every day will be even more automatic and efficient. 2. Personalized distribution. Delivery options will become more flexible. As smartphones are integrated with GPS positioning, as well as a growing number of cheap sensor deployment provides a visual for assets and track...

标签: 物联网