新关注 > 信息聚合 > 富二代户外主播远洋君即将离开斗鱼 各大直播平台疯狂抢资源

富二代户外主播远洋君即将离开斗鱼 各大直播平台疯狂抢资源

Rich second generation outdoor anchor will leave bettas are major ocean king live platform crazy to rob resources

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

三月春回大地,又到了一年一度的主播转会月份。每年这个时候签约期到了的主播们都开始寻找更好的直播平台发展。最近斗鱼第一神豪户外主播远洋君即将离家虎牙转会其他直播平台的消息一度闹的沸沸扬扬。远洋君要离开的消息刚刚发布,各大直播平台就开启了疯狂抢资源模式,每家都一副势在必得的样子! 远洋君本名叫王山齐,江苏连云港君臣实业的公子哥,怒砸联想电脑一砸成名。随后凭借帅气的颜值以及豪爽的性格从众户外主播中脱颖而出,迅速成长为当前户外直播圈数一数二的大主播。在之前的主播排行榜中,无论是主播综合榜还是收入榜,远洋经常名列前茅,深受观众喜爱。 作为当前直播界最受欢迎的户外主播,远洋君这块肥肉各家直播...

Nor in March, came to the annual anchors in the transfer. At this time of year contract period to the live of hosts to start looking for a better development platform. Recently produced the first god hao outdoor anchor the ocean king canine teeth move away from home at one time with the other live platform. Ocean king to leave message has just been released, the live platform opens the crazy to rob resources model, each are all a pair! The ocean king named Wang Shanji, lianyungang, jiangsu industry constantly chauffeured, anger hit lenovo computers a hit. Then with handsome appearance and generous personality conformity outdoor anchor, rapid growth for the current outdoor live some of the best big anchor. In before the host list, whether the host list or income list, a top student at ocean, loved by the audience. Live as the world's most popular outdoor anchors, this fat each ocean king live...

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