新关注 > 信息聚合 > 小学生队友暑假结束开学啦 lol玩家开启疯狂吐槽

小学生队友暑假结束开学啦 lol玩家开启疯狂吐槽

The ending pupils teammate summer school lol players open crazy Tucao

2015-09-07 18:20:57来源: 新浪

暑假终于结束了,游戏中终于可以不再碰到小学生队友了。于是玩家吐槽了LOL中几大深坑,看看你中枪了吗? 1、上单TP只为快速上线,这种情况很常有。大多都是专注上单力求打爆。下路?没时间看自己玩去吧! 2、辅助不买眼石,辅助是什么?辅助是为团队做贡献,你可能是强力DPS,你可能是一套...

summer has finally come to an end, the game can finally no longer met pupils teammates. So a few big game player Tucao pit LOL, have a look in your gun? 1, on a single TP only for fast on-line, this situation is very often. Mostly focus on the single force for. Down the road? No time to see you go! 2, auxiliary not to buy eye stone, auxiliary is what? Support is a contribution to the team, you may be a strong DPS, you may be a set of...

标签: LOL 玩家