新关注 > 信息聚合 > 人机大战背后:谷歌人工智能只是噱头 实为卖云计算?

人机大战背后:谷歌人工智能只是噱头 实为卖云计算?

Behind the man-machine war: Google just gimmicks artificial intelligence Cloud computing is a sell?

2019-01-30 11:17:00来源: 亿欧


[editor's note] with search engines and artificial intelligence technology to lead the industry substantially different, Google has been in the embarrassing situation in the cloud computing market. Long-term control 90% of the world of Google search engine market share, in the amazon into the cloud computing market two years later, in 2008, online cloud computing business, and has been tepid. In the battle for cloud computing, Google cloud still have a chance? Article reprinted from "Beijing news", the author Liang Chen, released by the hundred million euro editor, for the industry reference. 5 minutes 36 seconds, humans throw in the towel. Less than three years, Google parent Alphabet, independent team DeepMind again, the development of artificial intelligence system AlphaStar in Beijing time on January 25th morning in starcraft ii defeated the professional electric hand campaign. Unlike chess or go the whole game, starcraft is obviously more difficult, because the artificial intelligence cannot by observing every pieces of move...

标签: 谷歌