新关注 > 信息聚合 > 腾讯公布首批功能游戏 将区分于传统的单纯娱乐型游戏

腾讯公布首批功能游戏 将区分于传统的单纯娱乐型游戏

Tencent announced the first function game will distinguish between traditional purely recreational

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2月24日,腾讯正式对外宣布,将从今年开始对功能游戏进行全面布局,进一步探索与发掘游戏的正向社会价值,引发行业和社会的热议和关注。今天,腾讯正式对外公布了首批功能游戏产品。 功能游戏,具体指的是以解决现实社会和行业问题为主要目的的游戏品类,与传统娱乐型的游戏产品有所区分。腾讯关注功能游戏由来已久。去年,腾讯研究院发布了关于功能游戏的专项研究报告——《跨界发现游戏力》;同时,腾讯游戏在去年组建了专业的功能游戏团队,并于今年年初完成了首批功能游戏产品的筹备。 腾讯本次公布的首批功能游戏包括《榫卯》、《折扇》、《纸境奇缘》、《欧氏几何》,以及一款以重新演绎中国北方少数民族传统文化为背景的游戏。...

Officially announced on February 24, tecent, will start from this year the comprehensive layout on the function of the game, to further explore and discover the positive social value of the game, cause social industry and hot tips and attention. Today, tencent formally announced the function of the first game products. Functionality game, specific refers to is solving the problem of social reality and the industry as the main goal of the game category, and the traditional recreational game products are differentiated. Tencent has long been a focus on function game. Last year, tencent institute released a special research report about the function of the game - "found the game crossover"; At the same time, tencent games in the last year, the function of the professional game team, formed in early this year and complete the function of the first games in preparation for the product. Tencent announced the first games including the mortise and tenon joint function, "fan", the paper condition ", "Euclidean geometry, and a reworking to north China ethnic minorities traditional culture as the background of the game. ...

标签: 游戏 腾讯