新关注 > 信息聚合 > 苏宁启动“818发烧节”:场景互联成重点 上线苏宁拼购和苏宁有房

苏宁启动“818发烧节”:场景互联成重点 上线苏宁拼购和苏宁有房

Suning launches "818 Fever Festival": scenes interconnected to focus on online shopping and housing in Suning

2018-07-28 19:43:19来源: DoNews

DoNews 7月28日消息(记者 向密) 在818发烧购物节媒体发布会上,苏宁易购总裁侯恩龙在会上直言,纯电商的时代结束,下一个十年将进入场景互联时代,智慧零售的新场景将遍地开花。在侯恩龙的演讲中,“场景”一词贯穿始终,需求即场景、产品即场景、内容即场景、服务即场景,每一个场景都关乎用户体验。在“人、货、场”三大核心要素中,场景是连接人和货的桥梁,也是最为关键的一环。根据介绍,今年818,苏宁通过线上线下随时可见、随时可触的无限渠道场景,满足消费者在任何时间、任何地点、任何服务的需求。目前,苏宁大开发战略已经建立了“两大、一小、多专”的店面类型组合,超过5000家互联网门店,实现从线上到线下...

DoNews, July 28 (Reporter told Mi) At the media conference of 818 Fever Shopping Festival, Suning E-commerce President Hou Enlong said frankly that the era of pure e-commerce is over, the next decade will enter the era of scenario interconnection, and the new scenario of smart retail will flourish everywhere. In Hornlong's speech, the word "scene" runs through all the time. Demand is scene, product is scene, content is scene, service is scene. Every scene is related to user experience. Among the three core elements of "people, goods and field", scene is the bridge connecting people and goods, and also the most critical link. According to the introduction, at 818 this year, Suning meets the needs of consumers at any time, anywhere and any service through the infinite channel scene that can be seen and touched at any time online and offline. At present, Suning's development strategy has established a combination of "two major, one small and multi-specialty" stores, with more than 5,000 Internet stores, from online to offline.