新关注 > 信息聚合 > 传软银集团质押阿里巴巴股份 获80亿美元保证金贷款

传软银集团质押阿里巴巴股份 获80亿美元保证金贷款

The softbank group won a $8 billion deposit shares alibaba pledge loans

2018-04-07 08:57:14来源: DoNews

DoNews4月7日消息(记者 翟继茹)据澎湃新闻消息,有知情人士透露称软银集团用所持阿里巴巴股份为质押,获得了80亿美元的保证金贷款,希望提高其财务灵活度。今年1月份,软银集团透露正考虑旗下电信业务部门“软银公司”独立进行IPO,拟融资180亿美元。而这笔融资的另一作用是为这家要上市的公司扫清障碍。之前,软银公司已经被作为抵押品来借贷。截至去年年底,软银集团债务已经达到1470亿美元,而软银公司上市将有助于母公司软银集团再融资,减小贷款压力。知情人士透露,此次80亿美元的贷款方为美国银行、法国巴黎银行、花旗集团、德银、高盛集团、摩根大通、摩根士丹利、 野村控股、法国兴业银行和瑞银集团。(完)

DoNews4 on 7 news (reporter ZhaiJiRu) according to the surging news, according to people familiar with the matter said softbank corp to pledge with shares held by alibaba, received $8 billion in margin loans, wants to improve its financial flexibility. In January, softbank corp revealed considering its telecom business unit "softbank" independent IPO, plans to raise $18 billion. And another function of the financing is for the listed company to clear the way. Before, softbank has been as collateral to borrow. Debt by the end of last year, softbank has reached $147 billion, while softbank listed will help softbank group parent company refinancing, reduce the pressure of loan. , according to people familiar with the $8 billion loan for bank of America, French Paris bank, citigroup, deutsche bank, Goldman sachs group inc., jpmorgan chase, Morgan Stanley, nomura holdings, societe generale and ubs. (after)