新关注 > 信息聚合 > 网易娱乐盛典明星座驾——日产贵士


Netease entertainment awards star car - nissan is

2017-07-14 15:39:34来源: DoNews

但凡娱乐圈的大活动都少不了各路明星的身影,红毯上神采奕奕的他们始终也都是大家关注的焦点,但在聚光灯的背后,那些幕后英雄往往就很容易被人忽视了,今天我们的主角就是这样一位默默奉献的奉献者,它不言不语地做着自己的本职工作,却足以让明星们乐不思蜀……没错,这位幕后英雄就是日产贵士,一台高端MPV,“2017网易娱乐跨界盛典”的明星指定用车,主要负责明星们活动期间的接送往来,虽然不显山露水,但任务可并不轻松,明星大腕们可是要好好招待的。 "2017网易娱乐跨界盛典"是网易传媒在2017年倾力打造的首届泛娱乐盛典活动,更是公司战略级的年度盛典活动。活动旨在表彰泛娱乐领域年度最具影响力的跨界名流,涵盖了娱...

Big activities involve each star in the entertainment circle, the red carpet to be healthy and energetic they are also the focus of attention all the time, but in the back of a spotlight, those behind the hero is often easily neglected by people, today our protagonist is such a devotee, dedicating it wordless to do his job, but enough to make these stars... Yes, the hero is nissan is behind the scenes, a high-end MPV, "2017 netease entertainment crossover festival" star designated transport, mainly responsible for the stars activities during the ferry, it's not obvious, but the task is not easy, but to study for the stars. "2017 netease entertainment crossover festival" is netease media in 2017 to build the first extensive entertainment festival activities, but also the annual festival activities of company strategy level. Activities to celebrate the crossover of the annual most influential entertainment celebrities, covers the entertainment...

标签: 网易 星座