新关注 > 信息聚合 > 共享经济:“押金”是道伪命题


Shared economy: "deposit" is a false dichotomy

2019-01-04 19:00:00来源: 亿欧


[editor's note] sharing economy since be cycling heat, has become a public conversation, take delight in talking about academic circles over and over to talk about several wave, eyes watching these business models down again, all in the name of "sharing" constantly obtaining financing, is the academic deduction is wrong, or the capital too much money? As batch "sharing" the collapse of the enterprise, and finally prove the capital dominated commercial games, sharing economy is a false story. When starting eleven, the author of 'black の yifan; By the editor, for the industry reference. Last night in Beijing six tuen station, road song Shared cars CEO Wang Lifeng hiding in it for eight hours. I have invested in a peer-to-peer (P2P) company, the boss run on the eve of the choice of escape location is also a police station. Only here, people can dialogue relatively calm. And days of looting the containment door for refund of the deposit of consumers confrontation for eight hours, except Wang Lifeng again and again...

标签: 共享经济