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乐视为2017央视春晚提供大数据支持 获多方赞誉

As 2017 CCTV Spring Festival gala to provide data support for multi-party praise

2017-03-10 14:11:51来源: DoNews

一年一度的央视春节联欢晚会,是大年三十中国人必备的饕餮大餐。春节期间,受央视春晚剧组委托,乐视大数据部与中科院计算机网络信息中心、广电总局广播科学研究院等单位合作,为央视2017年春晚提供大数据舆情支持,深刻分析春晚收视率、满意度和观众关注点。这也是乐视第一次通过泛娱乐大数据研究服务央视春晚。    乐视相关负责人介绍, 乐视基于目前的北斗“大数据+内容”平台,为央视提供舆情涵盖2万多家网络媒体、论坛和社区,微博,微信公众号以及百度搜索和贴吧等网络渠道的舆情监测,实现分钟级的数据采集、处理、存储、分析、挖掘和可视化,全网全渠道数据实时采集与处理。据了解,乐视内容大数据中心不仅为央视春晚提供了春...

The annual CCTV Spring Festival gala is requisite for a year the Chinese feast. During the Spring Festival, authorized by the CCTV Spring Festival gala film crew, Letv big data with computer network information center of Chinese academy of sciences, the state administration of radio broadcasting academy of sciences and other units cooperation, provide large data public opinion support for the CCTV Spring Festival gala in 2017, the deep analysis of its ratings, satisfaction and the audience. This was the first time Letv through extensive entertainment big data research services the CCTV Spring Festival gala. Letv relevant controller introduces, based on the current Letv beidou "big data + content" platform, provide public opinion for the CCTV covers more than 20000 network media, BBS, and community, weibo, WeChat public number and baidu search and stick the public opinion of network monitoring, minutes of data acquisition, processing, storage, analysis, mining and visualization, so the whole channel data acquisition and processing in real time. It is understood that Letv large data center not only provides the CCTV Spring Festival gala with spring...

标签: 大数据