新关注 > 信息聚合 > 没看《夏至未至》,却在网易云音乐12万评论里看完了全部剧情


Did not look at the summer solstice not to, but in netease finished watching all the plot in the cloud music 120000 comments

2017-08-14 16:05:33来源: DoNews


For many 80, 90, later said that guo jingming's novel "the summer solstice is not to" used to be a student of memory, the publication of the novel of the same TV series in 2006, officially broadcast in June of this year. "The summer solstice is not to" tells the story of the beginning, small si fu, lu, cheng met five groups, attending shallow sichuan one of the friends, from high school to enter the society after the story. As cloud music netease user @ Vict5 said, "in a very shallow sichuan a pinyin qcyz, then you play it again pinyin will find out the youth", the story of the youth, also affects many audience's heart. At the same time, the summer solstice not to film soundtrack also on-line netease cloud music over the same period. Among them, the Hong Kong musicians CenNing son sing song of summer -- "spotlight" and exquisite sing characters of summer in the face of love euphemism carefully again, interpretation of this song full of pure feeling. As the show aired, heat...

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