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“淘宝刷单”木马来袭 学生兼职谨防中招

"Taobao brush single Trojan incoming students part-time beware caught

2015-06-16 21:02:29来源: 和讯网

大学暑假临近,打着“淘宝刷单”旗号的木马日益活跃,利用聊天软件的刷单群、网赚群快速传播,专门攻击上网兼职的学生族。据360安全卫士检测,“淘宝刷单”木马会劫持支付宝的付款资金,把兼职者的钱转入黑客账户,目前360已第一时间拦截查杀此类木马。 360反病毒专家安扬指出,“骗子利用学生希...

university summer approaching, under the banner of" Taobao brush single "under the banner of the Trojan has become increasingly active, use chat software brush single group, Wangzhuan group rapid spread, special attack Internet part-time student group. According to 360 security guards to detect, "Taobao brush single Trojan will hijack pay treasure payment funds, the part-time money into the account hacker. The 360 has for the first time intercept such killing horses. 360 anti virus expert Ann Yang pointed out that the liar used the students wish...