新关注 > 信息聚合 > 凶猛巨龙复苏手游《小学生联盟》史诗玩法揭秘


The fierce dragon recovery Mobile Games "pupils" secret alliance epic play

2015-01-06 11:43:20来源: 不凡游戏网

凛冬已经来了,暖春还会远吗?进击的大龙逐渐从沉睡之中苏醒,低沉的轰鸣声时不时从地底下传来,一场席卷整个大陆的危机即将展开。届时,《小学生联盟》来自各地的超能力英雄们将齐聚一堂,共同对抗具有毁灭性力量的大龙!护卫人类,挽救地球,看守宇宙! 屠杀大龙挑战,全服实时活动 很久很久以前,在大...

winter has come, spring be far behind? Advance on the Dragon gradually from slumber awakening, muffled roar from time to time to pass from the earth, a continentwide crisis is imminent. By then, "alliance" pupils from around the ability of super heroes will gather together, the common fight against the destructive power of the dragon! Guard the human, save the earth, the watchmen universe! The slaughter dragon challenge, full service real time activity a long time ago, in the...

标签: 手游