新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015佰送商城“空谈误国,实干兴邦”互联网实干..


Bai 2015 send mall talk, hard work and prosperous Internet action..

2015-06-02 14:35:32来源: 大河网

大河网讯 为了提高互联网服务品质,引导传统行业利用互联网发展,5月30日下午,由佰送商城、河南拥军拥属帮扶中心、支付宝、天使基金联合主办的“空谈误国,实干兴邦”互联网实干高峰论坛在弘润华夏大酒店隆重开幕。 本次盛会受到全国各地近千名佰送家人们的关注,来自各个地区的佰送家人、佰送联盟商...

river network in order to improve the service quality of Internet, traditional industry to guide the development of the use of the Internet, on May 30 afternoon, the Bai send mall, Henan Yong Jun Yong is helping center, pay treasure, Angel Fund jointly organized the talk, hard work and prosperous Internet Action Forum in Hongrun Huaxia hotel grand opening. This event is all over the country nearly a thousand Bai sent the people attention and come from each area of Bai sent to his family, Bai send business alliance.