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37游戏持续发力 精品IP打造全产业链

The 37 game of continuing to build

2015-03-05 09:39:23来源: IB资讯

近段时间,由成龙领衔主演的贺岁电影《天将雄师》,可谓是让亿万荧屏观众大饱了眼福,上映后一路领跑,成为春节档首部突破5亿票房的大片。而与此同时,由37游戏根据电影IP改编而成的同名游戏上线公测以来,更是屡创佳绩,周活跃用户3倍于同类产品,一次次刷新着行业纪录。 众所周知,IP是近年网络...

IB information in the whole industry chain close paragraph of time, by Jackie Chan starred in the movie "the day to celebrate the New Year lion", is to make hundreds of millions of viewers feast my eyes on the screen, lead the way after the release of the spring Festival, to become the first breakthrough in the 500000000 box office blockbuster file. At the same time, since the 37 game based on the movie by IP adapted from the same name game online open beta, is repeated success, weeks of active users 3 times to the similar products, a time to refresh the industry record. As everyone knows, is in IP network...

标签: 游戏