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独立游戏《超级宠物英雄》年内上线 挺身而出拯救迷路宠物

Independent game Super Pet hero came out on the line in the year to rescue stray pets

2017-02-10 13:41:16来源: 任玩堂

一年一度的独立游戏节在上月于德国柏林举行,举办方也在近日公布了获奖名单。一款名为Super Pet Hero《超级宠物英雄》的作品获得了最佳手游奖,获得了这个奖项的游戏是什么样的呢?下面就一起来看下吧。《超级宠物英雄》是一款考验操作的休闲类游戏,画面风格上类似《天天过马路》,玩家将控制一个忍者救助跑到马路上的宠物。游戏的主场景设定在一个十字路口,能够活动的空间也非常的狭小,玩家的任务就是在这小空间里尽可能的救起更多的宠物,以免它们被来往的车辆撞到。宠物也会随机性的出现在这个十字路口内,本作的设定也非常的有新意,一版的休闲游戏设定都是“一击必死”,而在《超级宠物英雄》里面,被撞的猫猫狗狗都会有次...

The annual Independent Games Festival held last month in Berlin, Germany, the organizers also recently announced the winners list. A Super Pet Hero called "super pet hero" works won the best hand travel award, won the award of the game is what kind of? Let's look at the following. Super pet hero is a test of the operation of casual games, the screen style is similar to every day across the road, the player will control a ninja rescue ran to the road on the pet. The main scene of the game is set in a crossroads, movable space is very small, the task is game player in this small space as much as possible to save more pets, so as not to hit their vehicles. Pets may also randomly appear in this crossroads, this setting is also very new edition of casual game settings are "one must die", and "super hero" in the pet, knocked the cats and dogs will have time...

标签: 游戏