新关注 > 信息聚合 > 面对“毒”动画,家长应树好“防火墙”


In the face of "poison" animation, good parents should tree "firewall"

2018-03-05 00:00:00来源: 人民网

最近,网络上一大批“毒”动画、短片、小游戏等视频产品被发现、查处的新闻让人看了不禁为之振奋。全国“扫黄打非”办公室联合多地文化稽查执法单位,以及各大视频网站纷纷在第一时间站出来,表态并立即下线关闭相关页面,开展了深入监测和清查,让这些“毒”动画无法再施放恶意、荼毒精神。这一系列大力度、大幅度的行动体现了社会各界对“毒”动画的打击之切、之狠、之重。 然而,当我们为这些行动拍手叫好的同时,不禁产生了新的疑问:为什么“毒”动画出现后,孩子们能看到?作为孩子的监护人,有些家长在打开视频的时候为什么没有第一时间发现这是一颗“毒瘤”,意识到这些视频正通过向孩子们稚嫩的心灵和尚无判断力的精神意识,投放着...

Recently, a large number of "poison" on the network animation, video, games, and other video products were found, investigate the news made everyone cheered. "Against pornography and illegal publications" office all over the country more culture audit law enforcement units, as well as the major video sites have come out in the first time, position and offline immediately closed related pages, conducted in-depth monitoring and inventory, can no longer let the "poison" animation cast malicious and pillaging the spirit. This a series of big strength, embodies the substantial action of the social from all walks of life to strike "poison" animation slice, the malicious, is heavy. However, when we clap for these actions at the same time, can not help but create new questions: why is "poison" animation, children can see? As the guardian of children, and some parents why isn't the first time when opening the video found this to be a "cancer", realize the video are through to the hearts of the children young and there is no sense of spiritual consciousness, on the...